“The cost of inadequate sleep…”
In 2017, the total cost of inadequate sleep in Australia was $66.3 billion. That’s approximately $8,968 per person affected in both financial and wellbeing costs…

Increasing Alertness
“Light Wakes Us Up and Makes Us Feel Alert”
A special set of cells in the eye that are highly sensitive to blue light sends signals to brain areas that promote alertness…
Mental health and wellbeing
“How can I improve my overall mood and health?”
Our bodies are made of trillions of clocks. Virtually all of the tissues in our bodies, including our brains, operate with a genetic clockwork that allows our bodies to do the right thing at the right time…

Promoting sleep
“The Powerful effect of Light on Sleep…”
Most people are unaware of the powerful effect of light on sleep. In the hours before bed, our bodies expect very low levels of light…